Toilet mind connects while shower thoughts inspire
I’m like most of you — I spend a good chunk of time sitting on the toilet, holding my phone or wandering. Do you?
Have you asked why? We enjoy our time during toilet seat.
While on the toilet thoughts flows just like shower thoughts.
Because relieving relaxes us by activating the parasympathetic system and releasing endorphins. It reduces stress and enhances the mood.
The reason ideas flow, random thoughts and topics cross my mind and your mind if you’re like me. Its a perfect moment while mind is relaxed. while doing my business in the toilet. But all these ideas and thoughts goes to the void as soon as I leave.
Sometimes I just wanted to find who else having the same idea. Or who else thinking of the same project. Or who else have the same topic to discuss. Or who else have weird thought.
But at those contemplative moments, no one’s available, and I can not invite someone to the toilet. Also I am not texting a friend — they’re busy, uninterested, or in a different mood. Worse, I might not have anyone to text at all.
Connecting with someone over those moments, works only with someone in the same situation and mood. I sure these types of connection will turn into:
Fun game, friendship, business, project, new learning or partner.
I found this concept weird, but during my honeymoon in Quebec City. My wife and I visited a museum exhibit on “brown gold.” It explored how stool reflects our health, eating habits, and even social and environmental issues we may not get.
So, as part of the social aspect, I learned that Ancient Roman public toilets served as more than places for relieving oneself. They were important social and business hubs in Roman society.
That’s when I realized what I wanted already existed in the past. When on the toilet seat, relaxed and in a good mood, is the best time to connect over similar ideas.
This led to starting Toilet Mind project. To help people capture their toilet thoughts and connect over them with like-minded thoughts. Whether for fun, a word play game, or exciting opportunities. That lead to friendship, business, projects, or relationship. You never know! what comes out of it.
What do you say about Toilet Mind? Better than shower thoughts to connect?